Epik High's Map The Soul meme

Apr 19, 2009 20:12

Epik High's Map The Soul meme!!^^

I stole the idea from the Map The Soul book xDD
Tablo, 'Kutz, Mithra and MYK all did this so i decided to make it into a new LJ meme. ^^

Basically, there are 10 words/phrases and you need to make a sentence out of each. It can be anything random that just comes to your mind, or some truth about yourself or some words of wisdom or...anything. you can put the words/phrases in any part of your sentence, so just because I've used it at the beginning of my sentence, doesn't mean you have to. post your response as a comment here and also make a new entry in your own journal.

there are NO spoilers here! i just took the 10 words/phrases from the book, not Epik or MYK's responses!

right now I'm wondering what to do with my life
i want to create something but I don’t know where to start
my heart breaks when the people I love are hurt
doing something I don’t want to do is boring
i don’t want to clean my room
why are my dreams always strange?
love is pain
if a day goes by and I haven’t listened to any music, it feels weird
sometimes we have to give up what makes us happy, so as to not be selfish
the soul is a complex thing to explain

they sound kinda like Blo-notes...right? 0_0

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