material in CSAD archives

Aug 25, 2016 14:03

The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents at Oxford has recently added some significant material to its archives.

William Ramsay: Notebooks, drawings, photographs, glass and film negatives, relating to his work in Asia Minor, 1880 - 1931.

W. G. Buckler: Notebooks, offprints, drawings, photographs and negatives, relating to his work in Asia Minor, 1907 - 1924.

J. G. C. Anderson: Notebooks, diaries and drawings, relating to his work in Asia Minor, 1871 - 1908.

Lilian (Anne) Jeffery: Notes, drawings and photographs, relating to her work on The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece in the 1950s.

R. G. Collingwood: Correspondence, notebooks and drawings relating to his work on Roman Inscriptions in Britain, 1913 - 1937.

R. P. Wright: Notebooks and drawings relating to his work on Roman Inscriptions in Britain, 1942 - 1972.

This material has been added to CSAD’s existing archives, which include:

R. W. Grasby: Notes, rubbings, measured drawings, photographs and slides, relating to his work on Processes in the Making of Roman Inscriptions, 1990s - 2014.

Christopher Cox: Notebooks, diaries, drawings and photographs, glass and film, relating to his work between 1924 and 1931 published in 1988 and 1993 as Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Vols IX and X.

Michael Balance: Notebooks, drawings and photographs, relating to his work in Asia Minor in the 1950s and 60s, published in 2013 as Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiqua, Vol XI.

Peter Fraser: Notebooks, drawings and photographs relating to his work on Ptolemaic Inscriptions, in Egypt (soon to be published as A Corpus of Inscriptions from Ptolemaic Egypt) and in the wider Ptolemaic Empire.

H. T. Wade-Gery - notes and correspondence from the 1950s and 1960s

One of the largest collections of squeezes (paper impressions) of Greek inscriptions in the world.

Scholars interested in consulting this material by appointment should contact:
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