Corpus of the Milestones of Roman Asia Minor

Oct 01, 2012 01:33

Из рассылки Британского Эпиграфического общества:

David French's Corpus of the Milestones of Roman Asia Minor:
The British Institute at Ankara hat published two new fascicles of
David French's Corpus of the Milestones of Roman Asia Minor as PDF
files on the Internet, from which they can be downloaded without
charge. They are available on the web-site of the BIAA (Home page: RRMAM 3.1 (63 pages) contains the
Republican milestones from the province of Asia, RRMAM 3.2 (358 pages)
the 132 milestones from the province of Galatia . The publications
include not only the texts, concordances and other apparatus, but also
schematic maps and abundant illustrations:
A fascicle with the texts from Cappadocia is due to be published


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