Jun 19, 2009 23:21
i dont know what came into me,
i just have to urge to see him to patch with him.
After Work, wHile on the Way hOme,
I pIck uP mY MobIle aNd Msg him.
~Can we Still Be TogetHer agAin? wIlL y0u gIve Us A sEcoNd ChanCe to Make foR foR thE MisTakE?~
As ExpeCteD, he DId Not rePly...
ActUalLy i HaVe AlreAdY eXpeCted ThaT hE wiLl noT rEPly,
BuT StiLl, i WaNteD tO sEnd ThIs Msg.
beCauSe iF i DonT dO iT noW, i Will NoT hAve aNoThEr ChanCe t0 t0k tO hIm AnyMore lE....
bY thE End 0F thIs MonTh he WiLl Be TermInatIng tHis nUmbEr wHich I appLy fOr hiM dE...
aNd thAt wIll MeanS thAt i WiLL nOt bE aBle t0 ConTAct hIm AnyMOre..
EvEryThiNg wIll Ends With A fuLLstOp......
haiz... it;s over lE ...
eVeR SinCe wE BroKE uP, I KepT HoPiNg ThaT hE wIll ComE bAcK tO Me..
bUt Now, My HeaRt DieS....
I nO LongEr HopInG iT le....
i JuST HoPe ThAt He WilL FinD a BetTeR GaL thAn Me ,
WHo KnOWS HoW tO tAke CaRE OF hIm, LovEs Him MOre ThaN i Do...
AS LonG As He IS HaPpy , i Will bE HaPPy.....