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Jul 03, 2009 15:10

Right. So, guess who just got accepted in one of the 2 best translation schools of France ? Oh, yeah.


(Cue a lot of flailing on my part and plans to celebrate it in remarkably distinguished ways. Ahem.)

Also, there have been a lot of forest fires around my house recently. And because I live on the border of a cliff, the firefighting planes (Red Canadairs, I keep imagining a bunch of Gar Canadas as the pilots) literally fly 30 feets above my roof. There's so close that they make the chandeliers rattle, just like in Mary Poppins ! Let me tell you that reading some battle fic with that soundtrack is all kind of awesome.

And to make this post a bit more worthwhile, have some old French songs, all by Charles Trenet :

Y'a d'la joie     This song makes me ridiculously happy, and
Douce France      a bit more melancholic if you pay attention to the lyrics, but the tune... ♥

Oh old (comical) over the top French accent, how I love thee.

not ashamed of my music tastes, you may bow down

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