my final entry

Apr 27, 2005 23:35

I am the happiest i have ever been at this point, on this day, at this very minute. I have all of the people i could ever need in my life. I have wonderful friends, a great family, and an amazing boyfriend. I love them all very much and they are the only things that matter to me. Nothing else. No one else. I have no confrontation right now. There is some one sided confrontation right now, the one side not being me, for i have no idea where it came from or what it is about, but you know what? That isn't what matters to me. That isn't how i am going to spend my days; worrying about other people that i do not even know, worrying about why so and so doesn't like me or about who said what and who did who. If it doesn't involve me, me doesn't rally care. Im finishing school soon and im going to be starting my life. I have matured. I have so many things to worry about in my life and so many things i don't want to worry about. I have reached my utopia. My paradise. Perfection. Everything in my life is perfect and i can say that because.. perfection doesnt exist as a standard. Perfection is what you want it to be, your own perspective of it. My perfection is working towards my happiness and not getting it handed to me on a silver platter.

My family and i got so much closer after i had admitted everything. Sneaking around, drinking, doing drugs. I quit that life style. I found my natural high. Michael.

I had a crush on mike since the day i met him but i was only a little girl then, barely in seventh grade. I grew up. We ran into eachother. We hit it off. We fell in love.

No one has ever made me smile so much in my life. When i look at him i can't even believe that what is happening is real. So many emotions rush through my body at once and i have to remember to breathe.

Carly Binge and i have gone through more with eacother than i thought could be real. Things you could never imagine going through...we have been there. Life, death, depression, happiness, we have been on the edge, on the top of the mountain, and over the rainbow. i love you carly breanne and do not ever doubt that.

So to those of those who do not favor me, it is okay. I am sorry that i have angered you by the things i have not done but i wish everyone the best of luck in life and happiness.

Please, comment if you like but not if you are going to yell at me and just waste more of my time.
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