+ Insomnia has been replaced by nightmares. Hooray? I spent essentially the entire night wrangling a king cobra that
mokele had apparently put in my bed or something. Very stressful. Especially since we were trying to shove it into a wooden box, but the lid of the box shrank as we tried to hammer the nails in, leaving big gaps for the snake to get out.
(I know that this is from an incredibly shitty CSI episode I was watching with someone putting a king cobra in a car as a prank. Still, stressful dream.)
+ Trying to decide if I want to go to my synagogue's Purimspiel tomorrow night. On the one hand, busy, tired, and I haven't been in like two months so I feel awkward turning up, and I don't know if they expect us to dress up. On the other hand, it sounds pretty funny.
+ Getting very stuck writing my
dc_everafter. Blargh. Anybody want to talk out a Flight of the Navigator SPN AU with me? :D
+ About three years ago, I knit a baby blanket as a gift for a pregnant friend. Last week she emailed me to tell me it has a huge hole in it. We met for lunch, I took it home to repair it. Today I gave it back to the kid. I've never actually met him before, but watching him run around in absolute glee at having his beloved blanket back was one of the nicest things I've experienced. :D He wears it over his head like a ghost costume, ties it around him like a cape, just wraps up in it all the time -- it's his favorite thing in the world. It's enough to warm the cockles of even the most cynical heart. ♥