Dear Yuletide Author,
Hello! Thank you so much for writing for me! :D This is my first year ever doing Yuletide, after years of being forgetful and missing the signups, so I'm super-excited for whatever may come! Of course, because this is my first Yuletide, I think I screwed up on the form -- I listed my favorite characters, just so you'd know who I like, but you don't have to include all of them.
Anyway, a little about me! Um. Well, my lj is unlocked, mostly, so feel free to look around...let's just try likes/squicks to start off, shall we?
-Friendship. Friendship is my kink. It's really a requirement for me to like any show/book/movie -- there must be two characters and they must be friends. :D
-Banter. See #1.
-Hurt/comfort. (I mean the whumpy kind, not the emotional kind). This probably should also go under "kink". Any sort of "oh noes my friend is hurt/missing/possibly dead in a ditch somwhere" is always much appreciated. Worry and protectiveness go in this category of Do Want.
-Happiness. I do read and like dark fics, apocafic or deathfic, but mostly I prefer happy endings, especially in holiday and exchange fic.
-Embarrassment. HUGE embarrassment squick. Very finely tuned.
-It's not a squick, but I'm not too into explicit sex scenes. I tend to skip over them.
-Incest, underage stuff, rape/noncon...most of this falls under "explicit sex".
-Sex between characters that I see as platonic friends. Not every friendship ends in sex people! Sigh. (Sorry pet peeve.)
About the fandoms I picked:
(1) Gentlemen of the Road.
Zelikman&Amram friendshippiness please! I'd love to see some of the history of that long partnership, or something exploring how much they mean to each other.
This was the first Michael Chabon I read, purely on the basis of the "Jews with Swords" alternate title (badass Jews = automatic win), and now I'm addicted. I loved Zelikman and Amram, how wildly different they are in almost every way, but you can still see this powerful bond between them. I'm really interested in the history of this relationship, all the little hints we get of their lives before they met or of their partnership before the story starts. Pre-book hijinks would be awesome! But really, anything about Zelikman and Amram being BFFs is perfect.
Bonus points: Hanukkah being awesome, Jewishness (even heretical/apostate Jewishness; pretty much any reference to their membership in the tribe works for me), adventures (or references to adventures) in faraway lands
(Note, though I like slash in general, I don't ship Zelikman/Amram. Platonic bffs please!)
(2) The Middleman
Friendshippiness between DubDub and The Middleman, banter with Ida, DubDub/Tyler (they were so cute!), or a look at where the Manservant Neville storyline was going (Mark Sheppard = UNF) -- anything's good!
This show breaks me with goofy cuteness. I adored Wendy and the Middleman, but I don't ship it at all -- I really love it when male-female crime-fighting partnerships get to stay partnerships and not turn into romances. I do, however, ship Wendy/Tyler (and also Middleman/Lacey), despite the fact that I rarely ship canon pairings or het. Tyler was awesome. Manservant Neville was also awesome (I wasn't lying about my crush on Mark Sheppard), so I'd dearly love to know where the show was going with the Tyler-Neville mysterious business storyline. (I don't trust Neville, but I honestly don't know if it's just because Mark Sheppard always plays bad guys in every other show.)
Bonus points: Ida and Wendy snark, silly Middle-gadgets, Noser guest appearance
That kind of wandered away from me. Basically I just loved the show and want there to be more of it, and those are the things I loved in particular. Don't know if that helps at all...these cute characters being cute together is all I ask!
(3) Master & Commander (Books or movie, don't care.)
Friendship and love between Jack, Stephen, Sophie, and Diana (or all four!) is always appreciated. Or Jack and Stephen being awesome at sea (h/c definitely appreciated).
I love ships. LOVE THEM. To the point where I may spend my next summer on a 19th-century-style sailing ship. So the M&C movie and books blow my tiny little mind. I love all the details of shipboard life, I love Jack being ferocious and brilliant at sea but a total doofus on land, I love Stephen being amazing at everything yet incapable of tying his shoes, I love Killick nagging at them like a mother hen, and I love how all the sailors, for all their faults, have an amazing store of kindness, generosity, and courage. I find the series relentless adorable, which makes people look at me like I'm totally nuts. But I also love the badass action-y parts, either ship battles or Stephen's intrigues on land.
I also love Diana, and her proto-feminist rebellion against the strictures of her world, and Sophie, who manages to put up with Jack. I ship Jack/Stephen, but I also ship Jack/Sophie and Stephen/Diana, and OT4 would not go amiss.
So...domestic and adorable Jack-and-Stephen-ashore fic, or action-and-adventure-on-the-high-seas fic, or anything between: awesome.
Bonus points: Stephen being mothered/looked after by the crew, Jack under Stephen's hands in the infirmary, one of their huge boisterious dinner parties.
Note: I've only read up through Far Side of the World in the book series. I'm rationing them because I don't want to finish and be left with no new adventures to read. I know, I'm dumb to request something I haven't finished, but I figure the continuity's not that important for fic...
(4) Temeraire series
Temeraire + Laurence = BFFs FOREVA. :)
I realized after I posted it that I haven't finished this series either -- still haven't read Victory of Eagles! But again...saving it up for later. And I prefer stuff set early in the series anyway, before the return trip from China.
A lot of what I said about Master and Commander applies to Temeraire -- my love of ships, of crews working together. Temeraire takes that and *personifies the ship* WITH DRAGONS and my God, how can I resist it?
So I love Temeraire and Laurence's bond -- especially because it doesn't seem artificial. Even if all dragons love their captains, it's more like all parents loving their children than like brainwashing or imprinting or what have you. Temeraire and Laurence love each other but they're also *friends*, and the caring is genuine. And I LOVE that Temeraire's possessive caring extends to his entire crew. Temeraire + his crew = LOVE. (Especially Granby-era crew. I heart Granby.)
Can I request "protectiveness" as my prompt? Laurence protecting Temeraire, Temeraire protecting his crew, Granby protecting Laurence, anything. But really, the friendship and bond between Temeraire, Laurence, and the crew is what keeps me coming back to this series, the way that they're always willing to sacrifice lives/freedom/career for each other, so I'd love anything that showcases that!
Bonus points: Temeraire's bookishness, anything on board a ship, Jane Roland being awesome.
Hmm, this ended up being mostly squee about fandoms and why I love them, but hopefully it will give you some guidance! Plus there's my LJ which is mostly un-locked, and which is also full of squee and rambling. Happy Yuletide!