When I was visiting
ezazahaz a week or so ago, we had the terrible fantastic terrible idea of watching a movie called
Menno's Mind. It came to our attention for starring: Corbin Bernsen, Michael Dorn, Bruce Campbell, Stephanie Romanov, Robert Vaughn, Robert Picardo, and Richard Speight Jr. If you don't recognize at least one of those names then I don't know why we're friends. The lure of all these actors was too great to resist (see also: Stonehenge Apocalypse), so we Netflixed it.
Verdict: not great, not horrible. The story was some kind of dystopian future thing, where everyone goes to a government Resort for virtual reality immersion games, which Corbin Bernsen's crooked politician was using to implant subliminal messages in people to make them vote for him. The weirdest thing was that we both would have sworn it was made in the 80s, not 1997. Just general 80s-ish. Parts were kind of funny, and at least a lot of the actors just committed to their ridiculous roles (Corbin Bernsen in particular.) Michael Dorn was pretty awesome, leaving us to wish the movie was about him rather than about the very bland Bill Campbell (Bruce Campbell's second cousin) character, whose sole personality trait was being a good guy. Mostly we entertained ourselves by going "Don't do it, Shawn's dad!" and "HoloWoolsey to the rescue!" at the screen.
However, the movie had one unintended side effect: forcing me to break up with my Internet Boyfriend Richard Speight Jr. While the character he played was essentially Gabriel the Computer Nerd (complete with hilarious ironic punishments meted out in virtual reality), I couldn't get past his costume. Just look at it. I can't even. IT'S ALL OVER BETWEEN US.