SPN 5.21 Don't even know the title

May 06, 2010 21:33

Holy crap, I actually watched a TV episode! on Tv! It was weird.

I'm trying to work out if the pacing seemed weird to me because I don't usually see the commercials, or whether it was just a weirdly paced episode. It was kind of all over the place.

Stuff I remember!:

WTF Cas is human now?!?! Show leaves it very unspecified whether this is a permanent thing or temporary thing. Also, Cas not wearing his trenchcoat is SO STRANGE TO ME. But! Still a stonecold BAMF, with the shotgun and the sawing off of Pestilence's fingers. Also "I TOOK THE BUS" LOOOOOOL (Honestly I'm kind of impressed he managed to do it. I need Cas bus!fic nao plz.)

Blasphemy alert: I'm starting to like Crowley more than Cas. *prepares for firing squad* But, man, curing Bobby? TAKING A PICTURE OF THE KISS WITH HIS CAMERA PHONE? Continuing to be awesome at all times under all circumstances? <3 <3 <3 Also his coat is way cooler. :D

I do find it interesting that Dean has essentially passed off his angel duties to Sam. This ep is so ~Sassy~. Sam is the one that cares if Cas is okay, and he's the one Cas goes with, while Dean is off with his new demon buddy. FINE WHATEVER DEAN YOU NEVER APPRECIATED CAS IN THE FIRST PLACE. CAS CAN GO WITH SAM AND BE ~SASSY~ TOGETHER.

Ahem. What else, what else...I covered Crowley being awesome, that was my main impression of the episode. The Boys continue to be terminally stupid. I kind of love the new Team Free Will -- Dean, Sam, Bobby, Cas, and Crowley. It's much more interesting than if it was just Dean and Sam. Especially because we *know* nothing can really happen to Dean and Sam, we've seen them die already this season and get restored, so there's absolutely no drama over their fates (yet). But Bobby and Cas and Crowley, they're fair game. I was REALLY nervous during the whole warehouse scene that something TRAGICALLY IRONIC was going to kill Bobby just when he's been healed. Having secondary characters means you have genuine drama, because we don't really know whether TPTB would dare off any of them. PLEASE KEEP BOBBY AND CROWLEY AND CAS, KRIPKE, THEY ARE ALL AWESOME.

Major letdown on the Cas-Crowley interaction though, in that there was none. Cas is just like, demon, sure, w/e. Too busy being sad.

BTW, I'm kind of mad at Bobby's whole thing that no one can possibly complain about their life but him. Even when that's totally justified it's annoying, and I'm sorry, I don't think losing the ability to walk is not quite as bad as losing the ability to FLY. Cas's entire SPECIES is essentially different, he's gone from a tremendously powerful superhuman creature to a shlimiel in a trenchcoat. For me that kind of trumps a wheelchair.

The Death thing was...interesting. I think if it had been an earlier Horseman, or if it hadn't been the second to last ep, it would have been more effective -- you wonder if they made it so easy due to time constraints. But I like the idea that Death is not interested in being Lucifer's puppet. And the pizza place thing was sufficiently nerve-tightening, mostly due to Jensen Ackles' performance. He's just so totally freaked the whole time.

Sam trying to beat Lucifer...I don't quite buy the "Sam is good therefore he can beat the devil!" That's not how it works. It's not about goodness, AFAIK, it's about willpower, which Sam has never really been that great at. He couldn't even throw out Meg in Season 2, for crying out loud. Color me skeptical. But I liked Cas being the one who believes in him, that was nice and ~Sassy~.

Anyway, I am totally psyched for the finale!!! PLEASE LET THE COOL PEOPLE SURVIVE! and Sam and Dean too

ETA: Go check out @mishacollins on Twitter! He livetweeted the whole episode (including commercials LOL), and the lovable dork did it in full Minion Overlord character. HOW COULD HE BE MORE AWESOME. <3

ep review, supernatural

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