I have given up attempting to get my mother to watch television with me. She's fallen asleep through every single thing. Though she stayed awake long enough through the Supernatural pilot to be disappointed that there weren't any angels (erm, oops.)
She also managed to sleep through Sherlock Holmes this afternoon, though I can't imagine how because HOLY SHIT IT WAS AWESOME. I will put most of the squee under a cut, except to say: even all the squee about its slashiness was not adequate to prepare me for the sheer levels of gayness in this movie. I read the books ages ago and never slashed them, but holy crap I do now.
Also, Robert Downey Jr. is fucking hott.
This is one of those movies mathematically calculated to appeal to me. Hot male leads, kickass female characters, 1890s fashion (OH HELLO THERE WAISTCOAT KINK), Victorian era badassery with pistols, spiritualism and occult rituals, vaguely steampunk production design, characters who are incredibly deep friends, danger/worry involving said friends (h/c whore, right here), plus funny and full of action.
Holmes and Watson were snarkier than I was expecting, but that just made me adore them all the more. Their relationship was so fantastic I just wanted to watch them potter around that cluttered apartment and snipe at each other for the whole movie. Also, could Holmes BE any more codependent and hilariously passive-aggressive in sabotaging Watson's engagement? SO FUNNY OMFG.
Also, Holmes' badassitude with the boxing and the shooting and the being Robert Downey Jr? UNF. Even Jude Law, who is not generally one of my favorite actors, really grew on me in this movie. But even better than the badassitude was the fact that they got their asses kicked for about half the movie -- Holmes running from Andre the Giant Mark II at the shipwrights? Hilarious and dramatic at the same time. Plus I loved Watson just having these knock-down fisticuffs in the background of scenes while Holmes was having conversations or messing with the device.
Oooh, before I forget: the music. Probably the biggest surprise for me (I expected everything else to be awesome, but the music being awesome as well was a bonus). Holmes and his violin was one of my favorite things in the stories, so him messing with it while thinking was fantastic, and the violin music during fight scenes was brilliant and I loved it. Definitely unique but completely fitting.
I should probably stop before I ramble about every individual scene, character, and random background object. (I loved Blackwood! And Irene! And even Mary!) Summary: I loved the fuck out of it, I want to see it again, and I will have a very hard time waiting for this to come out on DVD.
(Also a very hard time not writing fic. *cough*)