..heheheheheh 8D
I'm having the damnest time with scans. If no one can help, I'll ask at boys_paper. I've sure been asking them a lot.. I have no shame, cuz I completely understand that some can get stuff where I can't. HAHA..haha... :/
∞with 1005 - should have subaru, maru, yasu? second in the series
∞ Orisuta 0531 (5/21)
apparently yoko was in a lot in may.. >__>
∞ TVfan July (5/24)
∞ TV Japan June (5/15)
∞ Gekkan Songs June (5/15)
∞ the Television (5/12)
Dates are apparently release dates of the mags.
Hell I'll even try this one!
Hina in Takatsuki Walker 2010 (4/16) <~~~ I KNOW there's no luck for that one lol
I found a lot otherwise. Just these are giving me the stink eye. If anything, just look at the lovely hanikami pair~ *__*
Okay so wtf I missed an onlystar too- I wondered if they appeared that week! they did! date was
100531, Toma was on the cover.. and it was an interview between Hina and Okura (not even that, there's four pages! Bouken Japan <3). Why has it not popped up, I mean yeah it's Hina and when does he ever get any love but it's Okura!! Okura's the ikemen of eito apparently. The link above should show the index from oricon's official site btw.