Jan 15, 2009 23:25
How am I doing? Kinda okay. Apart from the finding out I have a disease and everything. e__e I'm still doing research on the damn thing. This really sucks. DDDD< WHY DO I HAVE TO BE THE PERSON PLAGUED WITH A HORRIBLE DISEASE?! -calms down- Anyhoo ... .___.; Nothing much really going on. Life is getting so boring and weird at the same time.
-holds up buttery roll- DDDx I'mma fatty. I've been eating a lot, as of late. I think it's my medication. I'm going to OM NOM NOM~ on this roll while I type this entry. >~< Let's see ... I did something awesome.
I GOTS PHOTOSHOP CS2! X3 MWUAHAHA. I'mma design graphics until my right index finger is no longer able to click .I'm off. TIME TO GO DO GRAPHICAL STUFF OMFG WOOOO!~ short entry, I know. O__o; I'll get to the nitty-gritty later. ;O I HAS SHIT TO DO.
Much loves! ~ Rae-Chan