Apr 23, 2006 17:41
So majorly embarrasing moment: I was at On The Town, enjoying myself of course, and then the basket raffle comes up. My #'s were 344433, 344434, & 344435 and I bid on B&N, bowling, and a Gus's thing. So of course the raffle starts and I think Mrs. K said 344435 so i go to take the basket. Turns out the ticket on the basket said 344445, even though I swore I thought she said 344435, but umm, yeah. (and I should've figured it out earlier since it wasn't even a basket I bid on) So then I had to return the basket to Mrs. L, and she just looked at me like how could I be so stupid to go up and take the wrong basket?...well, it was pretty embarrassing for me.
Finally, I'm back on focus and I care. All required books out of the way( and I actually tried reading them until I ran out of time), been studying for AP, looked at colleges, going to register for SAT"s, planning on working my butt off to levy my MP3 grades, and it's all falling back into place...yay!