Title: Harkness' Eleven - Chapter Fifteen
milady_dragon Author: Milady Dragon
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack Harkness is released from prison, and gathers together a crew to pull the job of his conman career. Based on the movie "Ocean's Eleven"
Pairing(s): Past Jack/Ianto; past Jack/John; Harold Saxon/Ianto Jones
Warning: Language
Spoilers: None for Torchwood or Doctor Who, follows situations from the movie "Ocean's' Eleven"
Author's note: I originally started writing this for Reel Torchwood, but the plot bunnies absconded before I could finish.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood, Doctor Who, or Ocean's Eleven
A/N2: Well, this is done. Thanks to everyone who has read this, and who will read it in the future. Love you guys!
Chapter Fifteen