Title: The Perfect Storm 60/68+ Epilogue
Chapter: 60 Day 14 - Night
Part 1.
Part 2.
Author: Teleen (
teleen_fiction )
Fandom: Torchwood
Size: 270,000+/ ~8500 this chapter
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Tosh, Ianto/Tosh, Jack/Ianto/Tosh, Past - Jack/Others, Tosh/Others, Ianto/Lisa
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Tosh, Yvonne Hartman, 9th Doctor, 10th Doctor, Rose, Owen
Rating: NC-17/MA/Adult
Spoilers: All of Doctor Who, Torchwood through COE. This story is completely AU, though it follows canon through DW series one and most of series two.
Warnings, Kinks & Genres: Read at your own risk! Highlight for specifics: Non-consensual Slavery, Rape, Extreme Torture, Mutilation, Self-harm, Explicit Violence, Dubious Consent, Mentions Of Child Abuse, Consensual BDSM, Domestic Discipline, Explicit Sex, Language, Mpreg, Slash, Het, Threesome
Disclaimer: Torchwood and Doctor Who are owned by the BBC & RTD. No infringement intended. I make no money from this.
frakkin_addict* Thank you is not enough! :) All mistakes are mine!
Summary: How might the life of Captain Jack Harkness have been different if he had chosen to care on that cold night in 1965?
Cross-Posted to:
darker_tw ,
epicproportion freefanfiction,
torchwood_fic torchwoodslash trauma_rec_fic,
tw_proper The Angst Archive,
A Teaspoon And An Open MindHosted at my journal. Please click on the chapter title to access.
All chapters may also be found at the
This fic has been nominated for a
Children of Time Award! Thank you very much! :)