Title: When Everything Changed - A Torchwood/Dr. Who/Sarah Jane Adventures Crossover
tonjavmoore Characters/Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Eleven and Amy Pond, and a lot of people from the Whoniverse at large
Rating: PG
Word Count: Total: 31,520; Chapter 1: 2,107
Spoilers: This assumes that you are familiar with the broadcast of the five days of Children of Earth. Otherwise, you’ll be a bit lost. This is a timey-wimey fixit, that takes up action partway through Day 3.
Disclaimer: Torchwood, Dr. Who, and Sarah Jane Adventures all belong to the BBC and RTD. Sadly.
Betas: Thanks to
midlist_writer and
welsh_scotsman. Also, for my friend Alexandria Cameron who put up with my squeals and tantrums when it just wouldn’t get out through my fingers the way I wanted it to.
Summary: When the Shadow Architects find a paradox that is destroying the Universe, can the Eleventh Doctor find a way to restore Jack’s timeline to what it should have been?
A/N: Everyone has a fixit in them - this is mine.
Chapter 1