Armageddon (20/37+Epilogue)

Jun 14, 2010 00:45

Armageddon Chapter 20

Artist: bookwrm89

Betas: teachwriteslash, Cazification by cazmalfoy.

Prompt: Armageddon

Word Count: 46,022

Rating: NC -17 overall

Fandom: Torchwood, Doctor Who

Characters/Pairings: Jack; Ianto; Tosh, Gwen, Owen, Rhys, Martha, Andy, John Hart, John Smith, Rose, Donna, Mickey, Tommy; Jack/Ianto, John Smith/Rose, Gwen/Rhys, Tosh/Owen, Martha/Tom

Warnings: Slash; angst; violence; language; character death

Spoilers: Completely AU, so only characters names from TW and DW.

Summary: Written for reel_torchwood. When an asteroid threatens to destroy the planet the world's best geothermal driller John Smith, his son Ianto Jones and Jack Harkness are sent to split the rock in half and save the Earth.

Disclaimer: Torchwood and Dr. Who belong to RTD and the BBC. I'm borrowing Jack and Ianto, and don't intend on giving them back. Armageddon belongs to Jonathan Hensleigh, J.J Abrams, and Touchstone Pictures. I'm a writer who has no money, so please don't sue!

au, author: cjharknessgirl, crossover, jack/ianto, rating: nc-17, fluff, angst

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