Do you enjoy the insanity of NaNoWriMo, but wish you could do it more than once a year? Say, about June-ish?
You know you miss it: the alienation of friends and family, the breakneck daily word count, the heart palpitations from all the caffeine, the frantic scrambling for pen and paper when you have a breakthrough, the sleep deprivation, the desire to strangle voices in your head.
I mean, who doesn't want to sign right up for that?
If this sounds like a blast to you, we welcome you to join us for WriANoJune (or Write a Damn Novel in June), which is now entering it's third year! Fanfic, original stories, short story collections, epic poetry -- we take it all, as long as your target word count is 50K. And I mean, c'mon. This comm is called EPIC PROPORTIONS. This challenge is practically tailor made for us! And you even get a certificate for hitting 50K.
Feel free to join our LJ comm -- we also have our own forum, a Myspace page, and a Facebook group. Links, posts, and all sorts of fun can all be found at
Sign up today, get your caffeine, preferred writing instruments, and kick those muses into place. The starting bell dings tomorrow night at midnight!
-- Gracie