Title: Ill Of The Dead
Author: Caz251
Summary: Owen and Ianto talk about his comment before Gwen’s wedding, with Ianto talking a bit about his Mam and his Aunt Morana.
Characters: Owen and Ianto, mentions of team, Rhiannon, Ianto’s mam Grizelda and his aunt Morana.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Torchwood and The Addams Family
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own either the Addams Family or Torchwood, no matter how hard I wish it were so.
AN: Another oneshot in my Addams Family/Torchwood universe, this is set after She Doesn’t Know, and earlier in the day of A Tale Of Many Addams. Critcism is welcomed, be it constructive or not.
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Here http://caz251.livejournal.com/84334.html