AU: When it all changes: Life, Love and Family in Torchwood.
Title: Unforeseen Complications (Series 11)
Author: missthingsplace
Parings/characters: Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Andy, My OC's: Caden, Eloise, Claire, Chloe, Damien, Ianto's family.
Disclaimer: I don't own Torchwood or any of the characters ... unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while.
Summary: After the hell of their daughter being kidnapped and their wonderful family holiday they return to Cardiff and Torchwood to tell their team mates of Jack's pregnancy, after a few weeks of relative normality they find themselves on the hunt for something that's slipped through the rift unseen ... with an added complication.
Spoilers: Probably not, but you never know ...
Warnings: Angst, slash, language, fluff ... the usual!
Rating: PG - NC17 for the series.
Chapter 75: Previous series/chapters: