Mod Post: A Little Light Housekeeping

May 05, 2009 15:52

Wow!!!! We're growing and a couple of important reminders:

It's hard to believe how fast our comm is growing!  We add new members every day and are seeing more and more new writers! This is great and so much fun to watch!

Your friendly whack-a-mods have been real life impaired lately (there have been moves, injuries, illnesses, and appliance suicide pacts!).

In our fog, we've let through a few one-shot postings that, based on the comm rules, we shouldn't have. That's our mistake and we apologize.

As a reminder, Epicproportion was founded as a home for two types of fic:

1. multi-part fics or
2. multiple fics in the same verse.

As readers, we love one shots, but stories should only be posted to this comm if they are part of an on-going or planned verse.  This fulfills the mission of our comm and helps reduce the cross posting.

We will be screening a bit more carefully and not approving one-shots. We'll let you know in the response that we did not approve the posting because it appeared to be a one-shot. If that's not the case, it may simply be a heading issue. Just "Whack-a-mod" and we'll work it out.

Finally, please at a minimum include author and rating tags in the tag fields (not in the heading) when you post.  Author tags help people find your fic and rating tags make sure no one gets in trouble for reading something at work or school that they shouldn't.  Your readers and your mods will thank you!

And, last but certainly not least, a huge thank you to whomever nominated the comm for a Children of Time award!!

Sending CyberChocolate and Torchwood Dreams!

The Mods


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