Hello from France!

Oct 03, 2015 07:03

So the thing is that it's been waaaay too long, and I kid myself not when I just say I'm pretty much in love with my own rambles. I've been told I don't give an impression that I think everything I have to say is important--like when you put it that way, obviously not. However, I sort of come from a realm where I have loads of different ways of talking/writing sometimes, and really, I can't be expected to keep a daily diary. This journal's as close as it gets.

So France! Here to study, exciting, exciting. Things aren't going too bad.

So plans to get done on fic are two in particular. One, is Momo's auction fic AU where Jim works his way up to the ranks of Captain. It's been so long and quite frankly it's probably almost going to be SUPER LONG LIKE MOMO HAS WAITED FOREVER AND she's a gem. I'm just a super slow writer. I really need to hurry up. I used to be like the enviable youths who could upload once a day. That was amazing. People who can do that and keep quality and knowledge and understanding of where they want their story to go are amazing.

I haven't read in a while so I guess I could say that's impacted a lot about how fanfiction is now the majority of my influence on how I write fanfiction, but I remember when I was younger and words and action would just flow. I've been told my writing style has gotten better; less wordy ramble, more concise and precise over the years, even if my vocabulary has suffered for it.

I also, fun fact, used to use Word Web a lot to retain my new words; I love offline dictionaries. What I don't love is that when I need to format a laptop for some reason or another is that I lose them. I've lost at least 3 good heaping lists of offline dictionaries, which is why I'm so thrilled I found vocabulary.com. Mm what a delicious website! You can make lists, the definitions provide layman's terms, they also provide examples of it used in sentences, and you can test yourself/teach yourself/learn the words in different games, and I think that's brilliant.

Anyway, wowee, the Momo fic, and the second one is the Mongoshitfacedtabletwisters. I talk a lot of shit for someone who won't even upload, but I've so just wrapped up in the idea that it has to be perfect that I think I've forgotten to have fun with it--the stuff I initially set out to do with it. I'm really glad the me from 2012 left behind a lot of notes about where I wanted the story to go in the sequel, and it's really not a series I want to drop. Like definitely for sure I want to continue it one day, but it's very likely all the fun spontaneity of my youth and the fun times talking back and forth are gonna be harder to write. I had this precise image of what Jim was like; so I hope really I don't lose aspects of it.

Man, honestly, when you grow up, you lose so much and I think that's a pity. You also gain some, but sometimes, I wear rose-coloured spectacles.

There was Call It West which was meant to fill in the space between Mongo and the sequel, but I didn't like how short it was, or how it was written, even with Momo's help. I've uncovered also a document called Intermissions of the Brotherly Kind (oh, these titles lmfao). Can't recall it if went between Call It West and the sequel fic, but I do recall it had an arc all on its own that I found odd to have in the sequel fic because honestly the sequel fic starts off with Jim and Spock getting along well, and not an entire bucketload of Sam sentiment that...I coudn't figure out whether or not it belonged in Call It West or the sequel.

Anyway, no seriously, I came up with the best summary for Momo's fic:

"Cadet Kirk's performance during the Nero incident has proven his capacity to not only completely disregard orders, but showcase his hubristic willingness to break regulation without consideration for any consequences.

Final Decision: Would not recommend placement on the Enterprise."

Now tell me, is that not gold, or is that not gold? yOU WANNA READ IT AND SO DO I WANNAWRITE IT. IT'S LIKE HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT IT'S A CONSEQUENCES FIC IT'S AN ALTERNATE REALITY HOW IS THIS GONNA HAPPEN. I love those fics the most, but I'm always so picky about how they're written. The ones that do really make it into my Fics Forever history, and I guess you really want to write the kind of stuff you have fun with. Hubristic is kind of mouthful though, but the entire point of the story is that Jim is a bit....like Icarus of the Greek myths. Overconfident, prideful, and it leads to that downfall. I don't doubt Jim would find a way to bounce back though....maybe after the shock wore off.

I wish I could do the fun kinds of fics sometimes too. I think in a sense Mongoshitfacedtabletwisters fulfilled that. Also, man, Kingsman. I had so many ideas with Syph about that but the flame kind of died out. I still want to sort of add some stuff to it, but I really....it blew hard and then it sort of whoomfed out. I have some stuff for it I don't mind publishing because I wrote them all when I was excited, but I don't think I'll be saving new documents anytime soon (which huh...).

Also, the technical "okay, but what is the story really about" summary is thus too:

2009 movie AU where Jim works his way up the ranks, as he should have. However, with the five year mission drawing near and his own personal record under scrutiny, Jim is running out of time. If he can't guarantee his own placement on the very starship he's barred from, the Enterprise and her crew will leave--with, or without him.

Any suggestions which you like better? I'm preferring to go with the one that sounds like it came from a report, but this one establishes the who, what, why, and when--the constraints--which i always do love. However, honestly, this fic is an Enterprise crew fic more than all, so the nonrush of the first summary allows that sort of feeling. What think you?
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