Jan 23, 2015 18:27
Over Christmas, I had a good opportunity to rewatch Star Trek into Darkness, and I had so many questions (I tried to rewatch it slowly one more time but I ended going back and forth in the first ten minutes of the movie for a good half-hour scribbling away thoughts and questions and commentaries i should be a commentary reel).
I also finished reading Diane Carey's Best Destiny and it is so, so good. So, so good. Really helped clear a lot of air on what kinds of things Jim's like--like I was always kind of iffy in terms of my Mongoshitfacedtabletwisters headcanon of a young Jim. I tend to figure that, even if kids are all good at heart, they kind of get into trouble, or they can be brats or mean or just in your face and obnoxious, and growing up is a fact of life that comes acquainted with a lot of hurt feelings, a lot of real life issues, etc.
I feel like that fic is all everything about me lecturing about growing up haha and that I've repeated my intentions with it in like five million different ways. I'm still really glad people like it. I really like it. I miss it. I also miss being able to write pages on pages really easily. Slow writer, ugh.
Anyway, Best Destiny is so good.
Also there was a part in it--I'd type it up, but I'm sincerely too lazy, but there was a section in which it mentioned that even though Spock would've been a more stable, etc captain, he just wouldn't. Some people just didn't want it.
AND THAT MADE ME GO !!!!!!!!!!!! Because the AO3 fic for Momo was about a Spock is Captain not Jim post-2009 movie AU, and Jim working his way back up into the ranks. And then it's like, if Spock doesn't want it in the canon, why would he want it in the AU? And I was thinking a whole lot of stuff: external factors (ex. destruction of Vulcan, near extinction of his people, a more human-focused half-Vulcan, etc). It's interesting too because AOS Spock is actually really different from TOS Spock in a lot of ways.
Anyway, just thoughts.