Nov 18, 2016 02:07
i wrote solo non-mary-sue fic for the first time in i don't even know how many years today. i'd forgotten what it was like to be that immersed in a character's headspace. i may have freaked myself out a little for a couple of hours, but it was hard to stop once i got going.
i don't know if i'm rusty, or it was the subject matter, or the time of day, or an unfortunate combination of all three, but i don't remember it ever being this intense. maybe with destructive asshole cook that one time, but even that was more the dark, melancholic nature of the piece rather than any exploration of his stupid psyche. or maybe i've gotten so used to sharing writing duties with someone else that it was all too much to handle without a breather from my own perspective once in a while. it felt a little like i'd imagine a sub-drop would feel.
i was unprepared, but i'll do better next time.
scribble scrabble,
oh self,