May 31, 2015 14:33
i really should be writing my essay, or studying for any one of my three finals next week, or working on my client report, or preparing for the session, but all i really want to do is curl up in bed with my laptop and youtube the blackhawks all day. I'M JUST HAVING A LOT OF FEELINGS, OKAY. i probably wouldn't be, if i wasn't in this particular city, surrounded by the people i'm surrounded by (both off and online) in the midst of the stanley cup fever, but i am. and i have missed being really, really into something. and the blackhawks aren't quite that something, but they're the closest thing to it. because LAST NIGHT'S GAME.
WHAT A GAME. i just made *__________* faces all over the place. this team stands for everything i love about this city. they're a bunch of gritty guys who just fight back harder when you think you have them cornered, and it's so beautiful. and all of this ties into why andrew shaw is my faaaaaaaaaavourite. he is so scrappy, and i've always had a soft spot for the people who seem to make it using sheer will alone. it's not that they're not good, but they don't have that innate thing the way a patrick kane does, or a roger federer, or a schumie. they just go at it harder and longer and every time they get there it makes me want to do a happy little shimmy in my chair. plus, shaw is such a stupid fuckhead that it's basically the most endearing thing known to mankind. i've basically devoured every single shaw/bollig fic out there in the last two days. why can't i ever just ship the people that 99% of the fandom ships i will never know.
MAD MAX. O M G. I HAVE EVEN MORE FEELINGS ABOUT MAD MAX THAN I HAVE HAD FOR BASICALLY ALMOST ANY MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN AND NOT FALLEN IMMEDIATELY INTO THE FANDOM OF. i love tom hardy so much but let's be real, that movie should've been called mad furiousa because HOW KICKASS WAS SHE. HOW FASDPFODSJGIOSDJG UGH PERFECT AND FLAWLESS AND *___________* i love mad max for a lot of the same reasons that i love divergent, for the strong female characters that aren't defined as strong by some stupid masculine definition. furiosa kicks so much ass but never in that "guess what boys anything you can do i can do better" way. which, whatever, i love the female action hero trope as much as anyone, but she's always a sex symbol who can somehow take on men three times her size with apparent ease and somehow still make it look incredibly hot. i liked that furiousa would have gotten nowhere with max if he hadn't been chained up, and that she got help from the other girls, and that SHE WAS THE BETTER MARKSMAN AND THE BETTER CAR MECHANIC AND GOT TO CALL THE SHOTS BUT ASKED FOR HELP WHEN SHE KNEW SHE WOULD NEED IT. you know what's sexy, hollywood? realising that accepting and/or asking for help from a character of the opposite sex DOESN'T SET THE GENDER EQUALITY MOVEMENT BACK FIVE HUNDRED YEARS TYVM.
i just have a lot of ~feelings about roles that allow women to be women, and still show that they're strong characters. every "strong" female character out there these days is either a complete bitch, a total emotional mess riddled with ~hidden insecurities, or torn between three thousand men because that's all girls are good for, right? pretending to be in control and barking orders at everyone when really they're just waiting for a dude to make them weak in the knees and then sweep them off their feet. it's such a cop out: "oh sure you have play the strong (masculine) female character as long as you cry a little and show that you're still a ~woman deep inside where it counts". or else they are robots (sometimes literally) with cold dead hearts who use their ~sexual wiles~ to get what they want from a man. which, kudos to you, if that's your skill set, go for it, there's nothing wrong with playing the world when you know how the world works. but that's what made it so, so great to get this, everything i'd been waiting for and then some, all these girls kicking so much butt even when they're not physically equipped to do it.
the single greatest moment was when splendid swung herself outside the car to stop immortan joe from fucking with them. HOW GREAT WAS THAT. this frail, heavily pregnant woman who's gorgeous and would in any other film probably be used purely as eye candy or as a raging psychopathic bitch kicks so much ass without ever having to raise a hand against someone else. i still get ALL THE CHILLS just thinking about it. and about "don't breathe". and how it is the most tragic thing that it take this crazy, post-apocalyptic world to birth my favourite female character this side of the 20th century. (god forbid we have a good old fashioned beth march character anymore.) AND THE BEST PART OF IT ALL IS THAT WHILE ALL THIS AMAZINGNESS IS GOING ON, THE MOVIE IS SO FUCKING ENTERTAINING. IT DOES EVERYTHING A MOVIE IS SUPPOSED TO DO AND THEN SOME. JUST LIKE ALL OF ITS FEMALE CHARACTERS.
it feels SO GOOD to have something to squee about again that isn't based irl. if i get all my shit done this week (ha), i'll put on my new shawzy tank top and treat myself to an imax viewing of mad max.
can we get a w00t w00t,
boys: shawzy,
my capslock key is brokeded,
go hawks,
i like the sound of my own voice,
fandom: lights camera action!