Mar 06, 2008 00:50
i need to be up at, like, six to send my parents off to the airport, so just a quick update before i hop into bed. first thing's first, i love my bitches. they are some of the most important people in the WORLD to me, no matter how much i snark. no matter what's going on in my life, they always make me feel like things will be okay. and they'll always be there for me, no matter what. chris, sucks you couldn't be with us tonight. we were THIS close to having full attendance. (bishy, you're not included because you're in america having fun without us so take THAT. ha.)
in other news, i loved the leap years. it's the first local production that i'm honestly proud of, especially because of its commercial aspect. finally, a normal, commercial movie that doesn't shove 'being singaporean' down your throat. see, what i love is that this movie could be marketed to the world and still be understood. finally, someone bold enough to take on a movie without stupid inside jokes that went out of style ten years ago and terrible spoken english (though qi yu wu? is that his name? good god, that boy should just keep his mouth shut; his heartbroken speech turned into unintentional comic relief) i'm so glad people are realizing that you don't have to swear in hokkien to make a movie feel authentic. it's all in the small details. plus, wong li lin is gorgeous. all in all, the acting was decent, the cinematography was lovely, and it really wasn't as cheesy as it could have been. AND they found an old sbs bus! colour me impressed.
as for american idol? this will forever, to me, be remembered as the year of the davids. they are all spectacular, and jason castro is quickly winning me over. ♥ ♥ ♥ if danny gets kicked off tomorrow, my glee will know no bounds.
superstah: david cook is sex on legs,
fandom: little black box,
fandom: lights camera action!,
superstah: david amazingness archuleta,
local talent,
chronicles of an ordinary life,
tv: american idol,