Things Franz Ferdinand Upload to Their Photobucket Account: A Study of Their Failure to Fully Understand Personal and Professional Boundaries
"What the Fuck Does Franz Ferdinand Have in their Photobucket?"
I was never one for traditional rickrolling but all its recent promulgations are just way too fascinating...
epicet (10:51:42 PM): ugh I can't find my phone
epicet (10:51:56 PM): can you call it for me or will that cost you loads of money?
sandwch__zombie (10:53:10 PM): i lost my cell, but i can steal my mom's for a moment.
sandwch__zombie (10:53:10 PM): what's the number?
epicet (10:53:21 PM): 248 434 5508
sandwch__zombie (10:53:27 PM): kk
epicet (10:54:03 PM): thanks
sandwch__zombie (10:54:35 PM): np bb!
sandwch__zombie (10:54:57 PM): YOU BASTARD
but when one drops in your lap, like it did with my brother...
[as my brother and I are talking about that russian singer with the crazy high voice]
zoidberg33331: did u get rickrolled yet?
I am not Kim: what?
I am not Kim:
this guy has a pretty sweet voice too