It only took me like FIVE YEARS to be able to go. This knowledge will hopefully get me through the emotional trial that is Dads' Weekend. Wish me luck.
You're like, one of my favorite people ever. I'm a complete chicken about asking to friend people, but I was reading some of your comments in an old house_wilson thread and I finally decided to ask. So, LJ friends? :3
(ps: this is "rokukitty," I just recently changed my username. I don't know if you'd recognise me or not either way, but... XD )
DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME I WAS JUST OVER HERE THINKING YOU HATED ME OR SOMETHING OMG JEEZE. <333 Yay! Added back. (heheh :D The whole "School of Oncolgy" thing still cracks me the fuck up. I can't even comprehend how that mistake made it so far.)
(ps: this is "rokukitty," I just recently changed my username. I don't know if you'd recognise me or not either way, but... XD )
Anyways, aw! and yes yes a million times yes, of course.
(I recognized your icon and then proceeded to LOL at the new name.)
Yay! Added back.
(heheh :D The whole "School of Oncolgy" thing still cracks me the fuck up. I can't even comprehend how that mistake made it so far.)
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