
Jun 14, 2009 15:42

San Francisco is a real city and almost any location you can google for San Francisco exists in the game. There are, however, a few points of interest that you aren't going to be able to google, or if you can google them, they're going to be a bit different in this universe.

Please check here for "on the map" supernatural hangouts, points of interest, and landmarks. If you have a business you'd like to open and you want to ensure that players can find it, fill out the text box here and add your location in this post. We'll add it to the links list to make it easier to find.

Quick note about San Francisco culture: San Francisco natives and long-term NoCal residents will not refer to San Francisco as either "San Fran" or "Frisco" in anything but an ironic sense, and even then only rarely. To use those two appellations marks a person as being, basically, a tourist, even if you're a city resident.

San Francisco residents and many NoCal residents will refer to San Francisco as "The City" and people will know exactly which city is being referred to.

Carmen's Coffee :: Coffee Shop
The DMZ :: Club/Bar/Accorded Neutral Ground
Lighted Paths :: New Age bookstore and occult supply shop
Lillian's Place :: Private fetish club
Lucky Charms :: Kitsch and magical talismans if you know who to ask
SupeRFit :: Gym catering to patrons with preternatural strength
The Transamerica Pyramid :: In this world, it's wholly owned and occupied by Biodyne

Business Name:
Business Type:
Business Owner:

Hours and Opening Rules:
House Rules:

Business Name: Self-explanatory
Business Type: Restaurant, bar, gun shop, laundromat with a gun shop in the back, etc.
Business Owner: Self-explanatory.

Description: Describe in as much or as little detail as you would like.
Pictures: If you'd like, we can host the image in the epicentric_mods account and you can link to it. For the sake of load time, make it an "a href="" link instead of embedding an "img src=" link.
Neighborhood: Check here and/or here and pick which neighborhood/district of the city your business is in. Don't bother with an address, just a general area will suffice, but please do use an actual SF neighborhood or district. This is a useful link for a bright and shiny overview of SF neighborhoods, but it downplays some of the less pleasant areas (for instance, Bayview/Candlestick Point doesn't mention its extremely high crime rate.)
Hours and Opening Rules: The hours part is self-explanatory, but the opening rules pertain to who can make a post for that business. Can a non-owning player make a post placing their characters in that business with NPC staff, or is that the strict purview of the owner and owner-approved employees?
House Rules: "No fighting without owning player's approval" or "fighting's okay, but don't break anything without prior arrangement" or anything that you think will be pertinent.
Security: Alarm system, guards, magical wards? It's good to know in advance. You can always upgrade as IC demands require.

Do not feel that you must have as extensive an entry as the one for The DMZ. The DMZ is a plot-related location and requires more description than you are required to have for a standard business.

Mount Davidson
Notable for you vampires out there, considering that it's at the top of the city and has a 103 foot cross at its summit.

Read here for odd, but RL San Francisco locations to use for local color
San Francisco is Weird. A useful guide for transplants to the city. I highly recommend it.


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