[He responds defensively, to cover up the fact that he's thinking about hiding out in his room for awhile.]
I don't hate anyone. The mansion's a piece of crap that gets off on messing with people. It wasn't their fault and I'm not gonna go fight someone just 'cause...
[She didn't know if she was the dangerous one. But she probably shouldn't say that.]
What about you, Puckerman?
[That's a little extreme.]
I, uh.
[There's no easy way to say this.]
A couple of kids with swords got me.
[She glances away, heart clenching slightly. She doesn't want to imagine it, but she does have to acknowledge it.]
I'm sorry, Puckerman. If I trusted myself, I would've been there.
You didn't see them. They wouldn't have stopped.
[Somewhere, way down deep, Puck is feeling a little bad now.]
[She sighs. Yeah, hiding away was probably the stupid route.]
[God, he's feeling like a wuss now. They couldn't have been more than thirteen or fourteen.
He doesn't even know what to say now.]
They were creepy as hell. I'm gonna be seeing red eyes all over the place now.
Well, if they weren't in their right minds, we can't exactly blame 'em.
[He knows the mansion was screwing around, but still... he's not gonna be able to look at Dave or Terezi the same way.]
[She thought about this a lot during her lockdown. She's come to a conclusion about everything.]
Whatever happens, we're all in this together. Won't do us any good to start fighting amongst ourselves, you know?
[He responds defensively, to cover up the fact that he's thinking about hiding out in his room for awhile.]
I don't hate anyone. The mansion's a piece of crap that gets off on messing with people. It wasn't their fault and I'm not gonna go fight someone just 'cause...
[He doesn't finish that sentence.]
Yeah. Way too much effort.
I'm glad you're being rational about this, Puckerman. Not everybody would be that strong.
[He shrugs.]
Speaking of running away... Someone should check up on Lopez. Don't ask me what her deal is, if she got killed or what, but it sounds pretty bad.
Thanks, Coach.
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