Finally got this done, after many failures of missing days out. I think the next time I do one of these it'll have to be shorter haha. And on an awesome note, I just got paid £15 more than I expected which is always good. Either that, or I worked different shifts than I thought I did, which I must have cause there's no way that £15 came out of nowhere haha! Also got called into work yesterday at 12:30. And being me, who says yes to everything, I agreed and came in at 2:30. Since all my work stuff was in the washing other than a pair of trousers since I wasn't expecting to be working, I had to wear a top which was a million sizes too big for me. It actually went down to my knees and I prolly could have fitted about 50 of me in there. Yeah, I looked like a douche.
day 01 →
your favourite songday 02 →
your favourite movieday 03 →
your favourite television programday 04 →
your favourite bookday 05 →
your favourite quoteday 06 →
whatever tickles your fancyday 07 →
a photo that makes you happyday 08 →
a photo that makes you angry/sadday 09 →
a photo you tookday 10 →
a photo of you taken over ten years agoday 11 →
a photo of you taken recentlyday 12 →
whatever tickles your fancyday 13 →
a fictional bookday 14 →
a non-fictional bookday 15 →
a fanficday 16 →
a song that makes you cry (or nearly)day 17 →
an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)day 18 →
whatever tickles your fancyday 19 →
a talent of yoursday 20 →
a hobbie of yoursday 21 →
a recipeday 22 →
a websiteday 23 →
a YouTube videoday 24 →
whatever tickles your fancyday 25 →
your day, in great detailday 26 → your week, in great detail
day 27 → this month, in great detail
day 28 →
this year, in great detailday 29 →
hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days Not because I like Schumacher in particular, but because I think the drawing is pretty awesome :P