Title: Just a far away memory
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Tenth Doctor, Theta/Jack, Theta/Koshei
Categories: Romance, First Time
Length: Long [27754 words]
Warnings: none
Author/Artist/Creator on LJ:
navaanAuthor/Artist/Creator Website:
navaan’s AO3 Summary:After the "year that never was" and the events of Voyage of the Damned the Doctor is tired and decides to take a rest. Little does he know that there are some memories slumbering in his subconscious that a dream will bring to the surface. Because once, back when he was still at the Academy and still known as Theta Sigma, he'd met a stranger - who isn't a stranger anymore.
Doctor/Jack Harkness with some Theta/Koschei (unrequited romantic feelings and complicated friendship and, well, the Master is the Master)
Review: I don’t often love Academy Era stories, but this one won me over with the framing story of the Doctor having a dream that brings back memories of an incident in his past that have been blocked. Namely of a romance from his first outing away from Gallifrey with other students from the Academy, all studying to become time lords.
I buy the romance for a younger Doctor much more than I would for an older version of him and it’s a nice contrast to the glimpses we see of the more reserved man he is later. And I’m always a sucker for stories that explore a bit of Gallifreyan seuality and there are some nice ideas here.
Just a far away memory