A Far, Far Better Thing by wendymr, Yamx (Gen)

Jun 10, 2016 20:39

Title: A Far, Far Better Thing - A Shameless Indulgence of Two Writers
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness, Wilfred Mott
Categories: Gen, Fix-it, pre-slash
Length: Medium [9173 words]
Warnings: none

Authors on LJ: wendymr and yamx
Authors Website: wendymr’s AO3 and yamx’s AO3

Summary: "Doctor? Got the strangest feeling you needed me."

This story is a co-written fix-it story with some Doctor/Jack undertones, although it’s mostly gen and I might be wearing my slash goggles. It builds up on the premise what would have happened if Jack Harkness had been around during the events of The End of Time and even offers a great explanation if why Jack would have been there at the right place at the right time. It’s very well written and even years after the fateful episodes aired it’s still joy to read.

A Far, Far Better Thing - A Shameless Indulgence of Two Writers

recs by ria_reads, genre: time-travel, fandom: dr who, genre: angst, length: medium, pairing: gen

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