Prism by StarMaple, stitchy (PG)

Jun 02, 2016 16:51

Title: Prism
Fandom: Starwars: The Force Awakens
Pairing: Finn/Poe Dameron
Categories: AU, Fan Comic, Romance
Length: 6 pages
Warnings: Soulmates

Author on LJ: Starmaple,
Website: StarMaple, Stitchy

Summary: A 6 page comic set in a Soulmate AU in which one suddenly sees colors upon meeting their soulmate.

Review: This is such a pretty comic. Lovely shading and color. And such a cute story. I just love the expression the artists worked into the characters expressions.


genre: romance, genre: au, medium: comic, fandom: star wars, recs by chibifukurou

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