eliot | parker | hardison | I. L I V E D. by The Princess & the Pie (PG)

Jan 21, 2016 21:03

Title: eliot | parker | hardison | I. L I V E D. by The Princess & the Pie (PG)
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Eliot/Hardison/Parker
Categories: Fanvid, Friendship, Romance
Length: 4 min
Warnings: Series spoilers, some mentions of death/canon typical violence

Author on LJ: n/a
Website: Youtube Channel

Summary: we change T O G E T H E R

Review: I can't remember who originally recced this to me, but they were so right. It is an amazing compilation of Eliot/Parker/Hardison moments from all five seasons of Leverage.

I particularly loved how they put together the moments where the threesome's relationship grew and changed over the years in such an order that you can notice details you might never have noticed from just watching the series in chronological order.

Definitely a must-watch for any Eliot/Parker/Hardison fan, though it won't make much sense if you've never seen the series.

eliot | parker | hardison | I. L I V E D.

genre: friendship, genre: romance, fandom: leverage, length: short, medium: vid, pairing: threesome, recs by chibifukurou

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