just like old times (please don’t ever change) by Rosslyn (PG-15)

Nov 28, 2015 23:33

Title: just like old times (please don’t ever change)
Fandom: James Bond
Pairing: James Bond/Madeleine Swann
Categories/Genres: Fix It, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Action/Adventure, Pre-Slash
Length: Medium (5173 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: Rosslyn


Sometimes when Q is alone in his workshop and there is an experiment that needs to be supervised and he can’t go home and he can’t sleep, he watches Bond’s vitals.


Here, have a shamelessly self-indulgent 00Q fix-it rec, because I said so, and because the end of SPECTRE just didn't jive for me.

True to expectations, James Bond wears retirement like a poorly-tailored suit coat. That is to say, about as long as he wears the average Bond Girl, Madeleine included if the franchise has anything to say about it. Q wears Bond's retirement with even less grace, as contradictory as that may seem. He installs himself on the fringes of Bond's life, a persistent ghost in the machine whose peculiar hauntings are specifically timed to ease Bond's rampant PTSD. It's an odd system, but it works for them.

just like old times (please don’t ever change)

genre: pre-slash, genre: action/adventure, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: hurt/comfort, length: medium, fandom: james bond, pairing: bond/q, genre: drama

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