Nobel Son of Krypton by Moiraithanatoio (R)

Nov 19, 2015 12:29

Title: Nobel Son of Krypton
Fandom: Smallville, Men in Black
Pairing: Clark Kent/Lex Luthor
Categories: Crossover, Friendship, First-time, Soulmates
Length: Medium (13k)
Warnings: Soulmates; Canon consistent memory wipes

Author on LJ: moiraithanatoio
Website: MoiraiThanatoio's Ao3

Summary: In a universe where the Kryptonian League is part of the intergalactic structure policed by the Men in Black on earth, the survival of a Noble House changes everything.

Review: The first story in the series deals with the idea of what would happen if the events of Smallville had taken place in a world that already knew about aliens and had laws in place to deal with them.

Everybody from both canons are amazingly in character and that they are woven together makes you fully believe that the two stories take place in the same universe.

The first story ends on a sad note, but the sequel is a very fluffy get-together fic.

Nobel Son of Krypton

genre: friendship, fandom: small fandom, pairing: clark kent/lex luthor, genre: crossover, recs by chibifukurou, length: medium, genre: first-time, pairing: slash, fandom: smallville

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