Incubus Dreams by Thorinsmut (Nc17)

Nov 12, 2015 20:18

Title: Incubus Dreams
Fandom: The Hobbit
Pairing: Dwalin/Nori; Past Dwalin/Frerin
Categories: AU, Domestic, Fluff, Family, Romance, Supernatural, Transgender
Length: Epic (45k)
Warnings: Mention of past non-con, capture, threats of torture and rape, smut

Author on LJ:
Website: Thorinsmut's A03

Summary: “None of that, incubus.” The summoner said, gesturing at all of Nori with a big calloused hand, “I kill beasts like you for breakfast.” His voice was perfect, rumbly-deep and warm as cedarwood incense.

“I'd have you for breakfast, twice, every morning.” Nori answered warmly, just the summoner's presence had Nori's entire skin aching for touch, so sensitive he knew he'd moan for just the brush of a fingertip anywhere.

Review: I've reread this story twice now and have every plan to reread it a few more times. There is a lot of smut involved.

But cliche as this sounds I love it for the fluff and the whole race of non-binary shape shifters. Nori is an incubus who loves giving his partners all kinds of pleasures from sexual to domestic. Dwalin is a demon hunter who doesn't know how to handle a demon who wants to cook and cuddle as often as they want sex.

There are dark bits and I really suggest you check the tags and warnings before reading the story. But they manage to navigate a complicated relationship without falling into the traps of assumption and misunderstanding. And they end up getting their happily ever after.

Incubus Dreams

genre: romance, genre: supernatural, genre: domestic, recs by chibifukurou, genre: au, genre: transgender, genre: fluff, fandom: lotr, length: epic, pairing: slash, genre: family

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