Fan Comic: Let's Get Married! by しょうちき (PG-15)

Aug 29, 2015 22:51

Title: Let's Get Married!
Fandom: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Pairing: Kakyoin Noriaki/Kujo Jotaro
Categories/Genres: Kidfic, Alternate Universe, De-Aged, Fluff
Length: Short (16 pages)
Warnings: N/A

Artist on LJ: N/A
Artist Website: しょうちき
Translator Website: nenatranslates


(The summary is in Japanese. Assuming most of epic-recs' patrons don't read/speak Japanese, I won't paste it here.)


Basically, this comic is an AU version of a canonical fight in Stardust Crusaders, where Jotaro and Kakyoin are transformed into children by Alessi's Stand and left in Josef's care while Polnareff and Abdul battle Alessi. Their characterizations as children are extrapolated from the brief hints that Holly Kujo and Kakyoin himself provide in the canon.

I'm no less a sucker for authors filling in the blanks when it comes to backstory than I've always been, so reccing this, (once I'd discovered the translation!) was a no-brainer. It's difficult to take Holly Kujo's description of a young Jotaro at her word, considering the kind of personality he has as a teen, but the artist writes it straight, depicting Jotaro as an outgoing, empathetic child. In sharp contrast is Kakyoin, whose early emergence of his Stand, and the complications that Kakyoin canonically, if vaguely, implies to have followed, have made him a cynical and angry young boy determined to be alone by choice rather than be hated and left behind.

Interestingly, it's this portrayal of Kakyoin that I can see being enslaved, possibly even willingly, by Dio, who may have been the first person to not only acknowledge, but understand and appreciate Kakyoin's Stand.

Though how Jotaro went from being a sweet child to a stone-faced delinquent is still anyone's guess.

Let's Get Married!

genre: kids, genre: de-aged, medium: comic, fandom: jojos bizarre adventure, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: au, genre: fluff, length: short, pairing: slash

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