Shelter Me Series by ThingswithWings (Nc17)

Aug 20, 2015 23:00

Title: Shelter Me Series
Fandom: Leverage
Pairing: Parker/Eliot Spencer/Alec Hardison
Categories: Action Adventure, Friendship, First Time, Hurt/Comfort
Length: Long (20k)
Warnings: Off screen torture

Author on LJ:
Website: Ao3

Summary: Eliot's their hitter, and taking on any physical threats to the team is his job, but there's something beyond professionalism - even beyond the obvious fact that Eliot relishes the fight itself - in the way he puts his body between Parker or Alec and any potential threat. Alec has a good view of Eliot's back on a lot of jobs, and he reads something in the tight line of Eliot's shoulder, in the slow turn of his foot as he steps into a fighting stance.

Something possessive.

Review: This is an interesting take on both a post-canon fic and a fic for our favorite trio of thieves to get together.

Even though the fic is narrated from Alec's POV, it is very much centered around Eliot and his changing role in the team. I'm glad to see it after the recklessness that was shown in the Rundown Job, our only Canon evidence of how a team of just Eliot, Alec, and Parker would function.

The romance is nice and slow building, and different enough to feel right for people who see the world as differently as Parker and Eliot seem to. The first fic covers their getting together.

The second fic in the series is kink heavy so make sure you read the tags

Shelter Me Series

genre: friendship, genre: action/adventure, genre: hurt/comfort, recs by chibifukurou, length: long, genre: first-time, fandom: leverage, pairing: threesome

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