Title: Tomorrow's Game
Fandom: Supernatural RPS
Pairing: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Categories/Genres: Time Travel, Angst
Length: 41693
Author/Artist on Sinful Desire:
Karfraegh Summary: Jared's lover is dead. He is recruited to a new secret program to become a protector of time, he can go back but the rules of time say he can't save Jensen. It is enough to break any man ... but what will it do to a man on the edge ... ?
This stands out in my memory as unique. It's a mixture of quantum leap/terminator that I haven't seen before. What I remember most is the trailer someone made for it. I will add it at the end of this rec and you will see what I mean. It's emotional and scary and inspires a lot of awe for something that is under two minutes. It's extremely clever with how it mixes together different movies to get it's message across.
The fic itself is less scary and more sweet. While Jared experiences pain and struggles with not saving Jensen and creating a paradox, Jensen himself eases a lot of it for Jared without knowing what's going on and ultimately ends up being smarter than Jared gives him credit for. Protecting the ones we love is an extreme weakness of mine and this fic certainly hit home.
Tomorrow's Game Trailer by Di Tomorrow's Game