Mommy Dearest by BeyondtheKilljoy

Aug 09, 2015 23:01

Title: Mommy Dearest
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Categories: AU, Romance, Friendship
Length: Super! Epic [150439 words]
Warnings: Homophobia, Drug Addition (side theme), Minor Violence.

Author Website: BeyondtheKilljoy(on AO3)

Summary: Stiles was supposed to be put in weight training, but due to scheduling problems he was dropped into Health. It was fine, really, it was up until the point where Coach assigned the baby project. And the kicker?
His partner was the reclusive, intimidating Derek Hale - so it really wasn't fine anymore; especially with a baby who wouldn't give him a moment of rest if Hale wasn't there. However, when the project forces him to get closer to Hale than he would even imagine possible, he learns new things about the Hale family and maybe begins to see Hale in a different light.
Even if he'd totally be the mom. [original summary]

Review: Oh, this fic! It’s so cute to see Stiles and Derek in high school and they both learning each other. Seriously, this fic goes over Derek and Stiles learning to take care of a fake baby for their Health project and developing an amazing friendship - this makes you teeth roth with all the sweetness.

At the same time, the sweetness is cut by the homophobia issues and underlying tension between the Argents and the Hales; the Sheriff is quite present too, coming along with another side plot - a drug cartel that keeps on killing people and no one knows who they are.

Derek is probably my favorite in this fic, because he is less jaded, even if he still has the gruffy side of the canonical Derek. His interactions with his family kids and uncles, the sweet way he treats Stiles and how fierce he gets when Stiles gets hurt, just adds up on his cute points. The Hale family is very well put together, thought for Laura’s fans,her behavior it’s quite odd.

This fic is adorable and deals with homophobia in an amazing way. So sit, read it and enjoy a very refreshing High School Au.

Mommy Dearest

genre: friendship, genre: romance, recs by anassa_anemou, genre: au, length: super!epic, fandom: teen wolf, pairing: slash, pairing: derek hale/stiles stilinski

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