Title: Our Skin, Our Bones, Our Silent Poems
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski/Peter Hale
Categories: AU, Romance
Length: Medium (7k)
Author on LJ:
A03 Summary: Peter is a Deaf werewolf. Stiles is a CODA (Child of a Deaf Adult). They’re a kind of unlikely pair. But sometimes things you wouldn’t think of as a good combination, end up turning out to be the perfect combination, you know?
Review: A fic that actually uses ASL!!!!
The author includes a glossary of ways that they indicate for signs and uses them throughout the fic, instead of just indicating a sign was used.
The story is short and sweet, with nice, realistic character interactions. I particularly appreciated being able to see how Stile way of dealing with Peter changed over the course of the story so that his and Peters's eventual romance felt organic.
Our Skin, Our Bones, Our Silent Poems