Title: Clutter
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Kagome Higurashi/Sesshoumaru
Categories/Genres: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Romance, Humor
Length: Long (~20000 words)
Warnings: N/A
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ForthrightlyAuthor Website:
Forthright Summary:
AU. Mrs. Higurashi decides to help her daughter put her life together; enter Sesshoumaru, professional organizer extraordinaire. Kagome resents having a perfect stranger rummaging through her messes, but he's bound and determined to show her the folly of her easy-going ways. A romantic comedy told in 100-word snippets.
If I had never watched a minute, nor read a page of Inuyasha in my life, my life would be poorer not for never having known it, but for having missed this fic. Clutter exists in my mind as the quintessential fanfiction version of a nineties romcom. There's a quirky premise, a lead pair who push and pull with fantastic chemistry, and a supporting cast of (sometimes inanimate) characters that add humor and depth and the occasional wrench thrown into the lead pairing's respective lives.
For the uninitiated, forthright's use of the drabble can be jarring, and the number of chapters dauntinng, but it's easy enough to adapt, namely because forthright is a master of the format. Each 100 word segment works to move the story forward. Forthright is also generous with the punchlines, the humor light and quick and charming.