Title: An Ever-Fixed Mark
Fandom: Fast & Furious
Pairing: Brian O'Conner/Dominic TorettoBrian O'Conner/Mia Toretto
Categories: Domestic, Family,
Length: Short (7k)
Warnings: Partner infidelity, Panic Attacks
Author on LJ: Anonymous
Website: Anonymous
Summary: Soulmarks never lie. But people do.
Review: While short this fic packs a nice punch. It is a soulmate AU, that takes soulmates in a different direction.
What if soulmates weren't necessarily people, but could be places to? How would that affect how you related to the world around you? How would you know who you were supposed to be with if more than one person made up the place your soul called home?
This is based off the first movie, so Brian is undercover for most of the fic, and there is some infidelity so if that squicks you, please don't read.
An Ever-Fixed Mark