you belong with me by countthestars (NC-17)

Mar 15, 2015 15:02

Title: you belong with me
Fandom: One Direction (Bandom/RPF)
Pairing: Harry Styles/Liam Payne
Categories/Genres: Romance, Angst, AU,
Length: Long [35000 words]
Warnings: Underage Drinking.

Author/Artist on LJ: COUNTTHESTARS89
Author/Artist Website: countthestars[on AO3]

Summary: Liam and Harry grow up, fall apart, and figure it all out.
Or, the one where Harry gets famous and Liam gets left behind, and sometimes you find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time. (original summary)

This fic captures Liam so perfectly, or at least what I imagine Liam was pre-X-Factor, a kid that was awkward, lonely and still so driven to find his spot, while still wanting to share his amazing talent. First of all, this fic is a character study, written in Liam’s pov about his insecurities and how much he doesn’t know what to do unsupported. The contrast between Liam’s shyness and insecurity, but adorable fierceness with his friends and Harry’s charisma and popularity move the whole fic and enhance the internal tension of the plot.

Be aware that this fic shows Harry in a very graceless light, where if not hooked into the fic, you might feel angry, and you should, because story!Harry is a bastard! It’s not character bashing or personal distaste of the person Harry Styles, but an extrapolation of what we seen on fandom about Harry. We have several connections to the recurrent rumor of Harry moving out of the band and going solo and of the media’s constant showing him as a womanizer.

The friends to lovers cliche in this story is really well used, and we have a huge amount of pinning by Liam’s part and an oblivious jealousy on Harry’s part, which is absolutely delicious. There is also lot’s and lot’s of underage drinking and destructive behavior on Harry’s part, which is responsible for a good part of the angst on the fic.

I recommend this fic if you want a nice cry; it’s not unbearably sad, but it left me really depressed, and it was just what I need at the time. The only thing I got slightly bad was about Danielle/Liam, but even if, like me, you don’t like her, her participation is subtle, but really pointed and served the story really well. On the really happy note, the end is amazing and the progress to it is not rushed in any way.

The time of them separated, after Harry gets famous, is the best part of the story, so full of feelings. The story gets a happy ending, Niall is one lovely fairy godmother/lucky leprechaun and Zayn, my precious baby, is there to support Harry when he gets lost. When they finally start to get back together, you can count with a lovely Harry trying to make amends and Liam pissed off with Harry for using his fame to help Liam. It’s priceless. So it’s just story packed with feelings and the discovery of love, without being cheesy or predictable.

you belong with me

genre: romance, genre: angst, recs by anassa_anemou, length: long, genre: au, fandom: bandom, pairing: slash, fandom: one direction

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