Class Of Conduct by fideliant (NC-17)

Mar 08, 2015 00:08

Title: Class Of Conduct
Fandom: Kingsman: The Secret Service
Pairing: Harry Hart/Gary “Eggsy” Unwin
Categories/Genres: Post-Canon, Fix-it, Humor, Action/Adventure, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Length: Medium (13102 words)
Warnings: Explicit Violence

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: fideliant


Or, Six Things Eggsy Has Learned About Being A Gentleman

“Lesson number one,” Harry says. “Manners matter.”


One consequence of primarily reading romantic fanfiction is that, after a certain point, I began to feel as though I'd read almost every possible iteration of falling in love that exists in fandom. Everything seemed to be just a variation on a set number of themes. But then along comes a fic that makes it all brand new again. Class Of Conduct is one such fic.

This fic is no firestorm of passion, nor the low and steady warmth of hot coals. This fic is like the hotplate that you don't even realize is on until you're bellowing in alarm and lunging for the sink. fideliant consistently underplays the depth of their emotions for each other without letting the reader question that they are, in fact, falling quite deeply and, perhaps more significantly, quite permanently in love with each other.

There's definitely a sense of the evolution of their relationship from mentor-mentee to soppy in love. I found it quite subtle, so much so that I didn't even fully register it during my first reading, but when events in the fic conspire to force their holding pattern of sass and veiled amusement to buckle, there's a significant shift in the tone of their interactions. Their growing attachment to each other finds new forms to manifest in, which in turn allows the two of them to connect in new, previously inaccessible ways. By the time the damn finally does burst and they reveal their fully requited feelings to each other, their relationship feels so well developed and mature that you can almost hear the “And they all lived happily ever after” when the final paragraph comes to a close.

Class Of Conduct

genre: romance, genre: humor, genre: action/adventure, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: hurt/comfort, length: medium, fandom: kingsman, genre: drama, pairing: slash, genre: post-canon

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