Winter Clothes by lilbookofkell (G)

Feb 08, 2015 00:16

Title: Winter Clothes
Fandom: Check Please!
Pairing: Pre-Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Categories/Genres: Outsider POV, Pre-slash, Humor, Fluff, Romance
Length: Medium (2493 words)
Warnings: N/A

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: lilbookofkell


Apparently a bunch of hoodies and a few baseball hats are “not proper winter gear” and telling Bitty that that’s all you have will make him say things like “you’re going to freeze to death” and “you poor sunshine child” and “oh my goodness Chowder don’t you own any boots?”


Do you like cute boys being cute? Do you like pie? Do you know that hockey is a sport people play?

Do you like quirky, well-developed characters? Do you like expressive art? Do you like witty humor with a dash of drama and a pinch of angst?

If you answered 'yes' to any of the above, Check, Please! is definitely up your alley. For those of you not already familiar with it, it's a multi-platform webcomic about a gay hockey player from Georgia who plays for the men's hockey team at the fictional Samwell University. He even has a Twitter account (@omgcheckplease) you can actually follow, reacting to events that take place in the comic and fleshing out the universe and characters with humor and panache. I urge you, right now, to go check out Check, Please!. Once you do, come back and read this fic.

Being quite new to the comic, which is only just coming into its own, I've only had a chance to read a few fics since I was first introduced to it all of, what, 5 days ago? But let me tell you, I'm already hooked. Winter Clothes in particular tickles my outsider POV fancy, told from the perspective of Samwell U freshman Chris “Chowder” Chow, a California native unprepared for the oncoming Massachussetts winter. Eric “Bitty” Bittle, a sophomore and the comic's main character and narrator, takes it upon himself to make sure Chowder is appropriately equipped. Jack Zimmermann, the men's hockey team captain, takes it upon himself to tag along.

What ensues is the embodiment of adorable URT, that is, Unresolved Romantic Tension, as observed through the eyes of the incredibly impressionable Chowder, who is canonically something of an adorable little puppy of a boy. But though Chowder may not entirely understand what he's witnessing, the audience certainly does, sighing and face-palming over the cuteness that is Bitty and Jack in proximity to one another.

Winter Clothes

genre: romance, genre: pre-slash, genre: humor, recs by sheepnamedpig, length: medium, genre: fluff, fandom: check please!, pairing: slash

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