Estimated Time Remaining by paigemccullers (PG)

Jan 25, 2015 00:02

Title: Estimated Time Remaining
Fandom: Person of Interest
Pairing: Root/Sameen Shaw
Categories/Genres: Episode Tag, Fix-It, Established Relationship, Drama, Action/Adventure
Length: Medium (2885 words)
Warnings: Offstage (Villain) Character Death

Author on LJ: N/A
Author Website: paigemccullers


“Asset safe.”
That’s all she ever gets.
But for now, it’s enough.


Although I hesitate to rec this, it's mostly because I can't seem to think of anything to say in its favor without wholly and utterly spoiling not only the show's 4th season up through its most recent episode, being the midseason finale, but also the best parts of the fic itself. How do I express my love of Root's enduring feelings for Shaw, even as a year passes without so much as a glimpse of her? Or Shaw's spot-on snark after entering the narrative? How can I impress upon you the importance of Finch putting aside his own fiercely guarded principles? What will make you understand the awesomeness of Root and Reese kicking ass and taking names? Is there a way for me to portray the team's single-minded devotion to their goals even as time passes and success seems ever more like a fading dream?

Oh, I know! You can read the fic and find out all about it.

Estimated Time Remaining

fandom: person of interest, genre: action/adventure, genre: established relationship, recs by sheepnamedpig, genre: drama, pairing: femslash, length: medium

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